Exercise & Nutrition for Special Needs Patients

Help patients with specific special needs with their exercise and nutrition routines.

12 Online Hours


Dr. Kirk Meier

Help patients who are Pregnant, Obese or Elderly stay active and learn how exercise can reduce the severity of symptoms and benefit those with Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia. Doctors will also learn specific recommendations and contraindications to exercises for these specific conditions.

Also learn how to make recommendations for patients with Gluten or Lactose intolerance, Pregnancy, Eating Disorders, and Vegetarians. This course will provide information on common diet restrictions and appropriate recommendations for proper food intake according to the specific medical condition.


The goal of this online course is to help doctors of chiropractic classify and identify non-optimal health conditions and their causes. We will then discuss the physiological changes that occur in the muscular, osseous, arterial and nervous systems. Once we understand these changes, doctors will be better able to understand the effects and benefits that can be achieved from a proper exercise program.

The online course will also discuss specific conditions and the contraindications of the exercise as well as the benefits of exercise. Upon completion of this online course doctors will be able to design and implement cardio-respiratory and resistance training programs for these special needs patients. Also doctors will be be able to manage exercise programs for patients with special needs.

This online course is NOT intended as a means to diagnose or treat the special conditions or disabilities that are discussed herein. This information is intended only as a supplement to a customary treatment protocol as outlined by the patient’s primary care physician.


The purpose of this online course is to offer doctors of chiropractic a more concise understanding of the nutritional requirement of patients who may have special needs. This online course with give doctors an improved awareness and increase sensitivity toward those individuals that need extra care and monitoring.

This online course will provide basic knowledge of common diet restrictions for certain populations. It will re-enforce appropriate recommendations for proper food intake according to medical conditions, and it will provide specific resources for the healthcare network to assist doctors with additional care and monitoring based on the patient’s medical condition.

This online course is NOT intended as a means to diagnose or treat the special conditions or disabilities that are discussed herein. This information is intended only as a supplement to a customary treatment protocol as outlined by the patient’s primary care physician.

If you are intending to take any “In-Class” courses and wish to take the online courses as well DO NOT sign up for your online course on this page. Go sign up for your “In-Class” event and you will be given the option to include the online courses (at a discount).